Corrosion inhibitors

Urea-ammonium nitrate solutions (UAN)
These solutions are quite corrosive towards mild steel (up to 500 MPY per year on C1010 steel) and should therefore be equipped with a corrosion inhibitor to protect tanks, pipelines, nozzles, et cetera. The products from the C-Force® product line especially been developed to avoid general and intergranular corrosion of metals under various conditions and will bring back the corrosion rate of the UAN solutions under 0.1 MPY (20°C).

Ammonium nitrate solutions
Aqueous ammonium nitrate solutions are extremely corrosive towards mild steel (up to 2000 MPY on C1010 steel) and are therefore rarely used as fluid fertilizer grade. C-Force® FCI 430 has especially been developed to avoid general and intergranular corrosion of metals, making the commercial application and transportation of aqueous ammonium nitrate solutions possible. The product will lower the corrosion rate of the ammonium nitrate solutions to under 0.5 MPY (20°C).