
Anticaking agents

NPK Fertilizers

The C-Force® FAC series has been optimized for anti-caking behavior. The products can all be used in combination with talcum powder.

Ammonium nitrate

The C-Force® FMR series has been has been especially designed for strong anticaking and moisture repellent behaviour. When only the caking tendency of the material needs to be improved, a product from the C-Force® FAC series can be selected. The products can all be used in combination with talcum powder.

Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN)

When only the caking tendency of the material needs to be improved, a product from the C-Force® FAC series can be selected. Several products in the C-Force® FMR series can also be used in combination with talcum powder when the caking tendency of the material requires this. The products will give a good moisture repellent performance and will efficiently bind dust and talcum powder to the granules.


Urea that has been treated with C-Force® FAC 4100 or FAC 4200, remains free-flowing and free of dust. The treated product will show a long term storage stability and resistance to caking under pressure.

Fertilizer products


For fertilizer types that need to be dissolved to clear solutions at a later stage, Instral has developed special water soluble anticaking and dust depressant coatings. For all other types of fertilizers Instral is able to create tailor-made solutions to improve their physical properties or to make the production process more efficient.


Overview of all our innovative fertilizer solutions