
INSTRAL is specialist in developing tailor made chemical and bio-based products and solutions in various industries, such as the fertilizer industry, dust control in agriculture, infra and dry cargo and oil- and watertreatment. Every problem deserves a unique solution. Our experts can help your company to improve your processes and products. 

More about us

C-Force® / BIO-Force® Applications

We can also provide you with complete tailormade solutions


Bio-based and biodegradable additives

Using nature’s chemistry in creating bio-based solutions, INSTRAL developed bio-based fertilizer additives that help improve the production of fertilizers with minimal ecological footprint


Instral Innovations

We create unique solutions to suppress dust

Tailor made anti-dust coatings for every application

Learn more about our dust suppressing solutions

Research and Development

Our highly educated and experienced R&D team is constantly 
developing and creating new treatment solutions.

Learn more

Fertilizer solutions

Unique innovative fertilizer solutions, suitable to various applications

Learn more

A solutions for every unique customer

Water solutions

Our products keep your water system in shape

INSTRAL delivers a total chemical treatment package for your water bearing system to reduce production stops, energy saving and lower maintenance costs. For each type of water bearing system and water quality Instral has a specific Water Treatment Program consisting of one or multiple products in the C-Force ® series.

Our water treatment program


Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or sales requests

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